3 Quotes & Sayings By Dani N M

Dani M is a blogger who loves to write about all things women, mainly books. She is currently studying for her degree in Journalism and has completed her university degree in Mass Communications. When she is not busy working or studying, she loves to read, or binge watch all the movie series she hasn't seen yet. She also loves to sing and play the guitar, especially on Twitter/Instagram where she can be found at @dani_m_booksxx.

You are the only person that you'll have for the rest of your life. Cherish yourself. Treat yourself with kindness. Love yourself. Be your own caretaker. Dani N M.
If you feel like you're drowning, don't forget that it is just a feeling; it will pass with love and care. If you're actually drowning, then how are you reading this? Dani N M.